We always work in the best interests of the landowner, incentivised to maximise the value of the land because our fee is a pre-agreed fixed share of the final sale value. Best value is achieved by optimising the development acreage and minimising the abnormal costs of development that housebuilders will incur and consequently use as reasons to reduce any bid they make for the land.
Once the best planning permission has been secured, the site is exposed to a full, open market competitive tender process, with comprehensive tender documents created in-house and sent to potential purchasers. If market conditions are poor at the time, the sales process may be deferred.
Bowbridge Land maintains relationships with all the major housebuilders, and many of the regional housebuilders, throughout the UK, and we know who are the most acquisitive firms at any given time.
By entering into a partnership with us in a Promotion Agreement, you are likely to secure planning permission much more quickly and receive a far greater sum for your land than you would if you were to enter into an Option Agreement with a developer.
Our Frequently Asked Questions section covers much of the information about the process, but please contact us if you have any other queries or would like a more in-depth discussion.